Metallurgical Abstracts on Light Metals and Alloys vol.56
Hydrogen embrittlement and its prevention in 7XXX aluminum alloys with high Zn concentrations
Kazuyuki Shimizu*, Hiroyuki Toda**, Hiro Fujihara**, Masatake Yamaguchi***, Masayuki Uesugi****, Akihisa Takeuchi****, Masahiko Nishijima*****
and Yasuhiro Kamada*
* Department of Physical Science and Materials Engineering, Iwate University
** Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyusyu University
*** Center for Computational Science and e-Systems, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
**** Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
***** Flexible 3D System Integration Laboratory, Osaka University
[Published in Corrosion 79 (2023) 818-830]
E-mail: ksmz[at]
Key Words: Aluminum alloy, Hydrogen, Hydrogen embrittlement, Hydrogen-induced cracking, Fracture mechanics, Microstructure.
7xxx aluminum alloys are representative high-strength aluminum alloys; however, mechanical property degradation due to hydrogen hinders further strengthening. We have previously reported that hydrogen embrittlement in 7xxx alloys originates from trapped hydrogen at the MgZn2 precipitate interface, providing high hydrogen trapping energy. We propose the dispersion of Mn-based second-phase particles as a novel technique for preventing 7xxx aluminum alloy hydrogen embrittlement. In this study, the deformation and fracture behaviors of high hydrogen 7xxx alloys containing 0.0% Mn and 0.6% Mn are observed in situ using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomography. Although no significant differences appear between the two alloys regarding the initiation of quasicleavage cracks, the area fractions of final quasicleavage fractures are 16.5% and 1.0% for 0.0%Mn and 0.6%Mn alloys, respectively; this finding indicates that the Mn addition reduces hydrogen-induced fractures. The obtained macroscopic hydrogen embrittlement is quantitatively analyzed based on hydrogen partitioning in alloys. Adding 0.6% Mn, generating second-phase particles with high hydrogen trapping abilities, significantly suppresses hydrogen-induced quasicleavage fracture. The results of an original hydrogen partitioning analysis show that the dispersion of Mn-based particles (Al12Mn3Si) with high hydrogen trapping abilities reduces the hydrogen concentration at the semicoherent MgZn2 interface and suppresses hydrogen embrittlement.

Crystal models and calculated hydrogen trapping energies from DFT calculations. A magnified image of the most strongly hydrogen-trapped site in each model is shown.