Outline of the Foundation
The object of this Foundation is to contribute to the development of light metals and alloys through encouragement and promotion of research, study and education in connection therewith.

This Foundation was established in 1955 as a part of project of the 25th anniversary of the founding of Toyo Aluminium K.K. with the wholehearted cooperation of Alcan Aluminium Limited. Since then, the Foundation has expanded its scope of business in pursuance of its aim of contributing to the development of light metals and alloys with the hearty cooperation of all parties concerned.
Specific character and Activities
The specific character of the Foundation is to assist the development of light metals and alloys and the science related.
And for the purpose of realiging this character, the foundation has, firstly, aimed at the assisting of the research works in university in Japan and is now granting research fund to about 50 universities. Another aspect of activities of the Foundation is granting the fund to researchers who try to make researches on the specific theme selected by the Foundation. Beside these, the Foundation has amplified its field of activities by setting up fund for dispatching researchers abroad, publishing researchers' report subsidized by the Foundation, awarding prizes to prominent researchers regarding light metals and holding presentation meeting of research result on specific study fund and integrated frontier study.
6-8 Kyutaromachi 3-Chome, Chuo-ku,
Osaka 541-0056 Japan
Tel: 06-6271-3179
Fax: 06-6271-9655
E-mail: grant@lm-foundation.or.jp
Index only
- Abstracts Vol.1 (1956-1960)
- Abstracts Vol.2 (1961-1963)
- Abstracts Vol.3 (1964-1966)
- Abstracts Vol.4 (1967)
- Abstracts Vol.5 (1968-1969)
- Abstracts Vol.6 (1969-1970)
- Abstracts Vol.7 (1970-1971)
- Abstracts Vol.8 (1971-1972)
- Abstracts Vol.9 (1972-1973)
- Abstracts Vol.10 (1973-1974)
- Abstracts Vol.11 (1974-1975)
- Abstracts Vol.12 (1975-1977)
- Abstracts Vol.13 (1977-1979)
- Abstracts Vol.14 (1979-1981)
- Abstracts Vol.15 (1981-1982)
- Abstracts Vol.16 (1982-1983)
- Abstracts Vol.17 (1983-1984)
- Abstracts Vol.18 (1984-1985)
- Abstracts Vol.19 (1985-1986)
- Abstracts Vol.20 (1986-1987)
- Abstracts Vol.21 (1987-1988)
- Abstracts Vol.22 (1988-1889)
- Abstracts Vol.23 (1989-1990)
- Abstracts Vol.24 (1990-1991)
- Abstracts Vol.25 (1991-1992)
- Abstracts Vol.26 (1992-1993)
- Abstracts Vol.27 (1993-1994)
- Abstracts Vol.28 (1994-1995)
- Abstracts Vol.29 (1995-1996)
- Abstracts Vol.30 (1996-1997)
- Abstracts Vol.31 (1997-1998)
- Abstracts Vol.32 (1998-1999)
- Abstracts Vol.33 (1999-2000)
- Abstracts Vol.34 (2000-2001)
- Abstracts Vol.35 (2001-2002)
- Abstracts Vol.36 (2002-2003)
- Abstracts Vol.37 (2003-2004)
- Abstracts Vol.38 (2004-2005)
- Abstracts Vol.39 (2005-2006)
- Abstracts Vol.40 (2006-2007)
- Abstracts Vol.41 (2007-2008)
- Abstracts Vol.42 (2008-2009)
- Abstracts Vol.43 (2009-2010)
- Abstracts Vol.44 (2010-2011)
- Abstracts Vol.45 (2011-2012)
- Abstracts Vol.46 (2012-2013)
- Abstracts Vol.47 (2013-2014)
- Abstracts Vol.48 (2014-2015)
- Abstracts Vol.49 (2015-2016)
- Abstracts Vol.50 (2016-2017)
- Abstracts Vol.51 (2017-2018)